Thank you for booking with us!
We are located in Downtown Lansing at 215 S. Washington Sq. in the Atrium/Clark Hill Building across from Zoup. Parking is metered electronically until 6pm Monday thru Friday - you can pay at a kiosk or on the Passport Parking app. You will need your license plate number and the parking zone is 99197. Washington Sq has a 2 hr maximum while 4 hr parking is available on Allegan & Washtenaw.
The main doors are open Monday thru Saturday until 7pm. If you have an appointment outside of these hours, your therapist will meet you at the doors. Once inside, we are downstairs on the Garden Level, the last suite on the right. If you require an elevator, there is one located at the back left of the building.
Massage Tips
Be as receptive and open to the massage process as possible.
Don't eat just before the massage session. Let your body digest your meal first.
Be on time. If you arrive in a frenzied, rushed state, it may take longer to relax.
Take off only as much clothing with which you are comfortable.
Communicate with your massage therapist.
Remember to breath normally.
Relax your muscles and your mind.
Drink extra water after you massage.
Be prepared to schedule several massage sessions. Massage has the greatest benefits over time. The therapeutic effects of massage are cumulative so the more often you get a massage, the better you will feel and the more quickly your body will respond.